Friday, August 27, 2010

Half Off

Alison signed up for cable in her new home last night. She does not get half off, but they did agree to install for free. She also added a DVR. Of course. Why would you get all those shows if you could not arrange viewing time yourself? She looked at TiVo, but it is a bit least up front. It also requires a constant internet connection. I do like their features, though.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

PC Politics

After yesterday's comic strip, I thought about the potential issues with a political discussion in the office. What might happen if HR prevented overt comments about politics or the election process? I do not like that it took so many words to convey what I was after. So, I had to make the guys smaller to fit the back and forth dialog.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I hope each of you voted in a party primary yesterday. Which part does not matter. We should all take the time to exercise this right and privilege granted to us. As I was thinking about this, I spoke to a colleague and the comments in panel 3 occurred to me. I then created the other panels just to support the Republican't and Democrap titles.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Swag Bag

I am presuming that all my readers know what a swag bag is. You hear about celebrities getting them at award ceremonies. Often, companies provide some marketing swag when you attend one of their presentations. That is the context for today's CoV. My twist is that I use the word to refer only to the bag itself, which upsets Mr. Green. In panel four, I then had to find another word which implies one thing, but can also be interpreted more narrowly.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Sometimes, you've just got to go with a pun. I could not find any relevant political or workplace vagaries to lampoon, so I looked back through my ideas folder and found this. I debated adding someone saying I'm soy instead of I'm sorry, but it didn't really fit. I did add in one milk reference.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Egg Recall

There was no way I could let this massive egg recall pass without cracking some jokes about it. I started writing the strip without knowing how I would end it. I thought of scrambling first and decided to use ways of cooking eggs for Mr. Blue. Then, as I was writing Mr. Green's responses, more traditional puns seemed appropriate. Personally, I liked using omelet for "I'm going to let" the best.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Driving Blind

How could you not know that I would follow-up a cartoon about covering one eye with one about covering both? While I chose to make a comment about people driving like they were blind, that was not where I thought I would go when I started writing today's CoV. I was planning to have Mr. Blue say that all that talking was making Mr. Green's mouth twitch and have him place a patch over Mr. Green's mouth. Then, Mr. G would mumble the line about not seeing that coming. However, once Mr. G mentioned he had driven himself in to work, the social comment seemed more clever.

For the title of the comic, I tried to find a play on words similar to Driving Ms. Daisy, but nothing obvious came to mind.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eye Twitch

Yesterday afternoon, my right eye started twitching and I could not concentrate. So I went home and rested it for the rest of the day. It seems better today, but we'll see. This is not uncommon and can be caused by a number of things, as noted in today's comic. Mine is probably either allergies or stress.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shania Twain Karaoke

We were driving around last night and this song came on the radio. So I am harmonizing along with it and my daughter says "Wow! You really like the song Man! I Feel Like a Woman." Hmm, I guess I never listened to the words since I would mainly sing the "Oh! Oh! Oh!" part.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Do you ever explore words or parts of words? You already know that I do. Here, I got on a kick about quarter or words starting with quarter. I originally had a final panel with the guy saying his son played quarterback on his team, but it didn't really have a clever twist at the end. So, I had everyone leave when this guy mentioned McDonalds and he can do nothing except reply with the current Mickey D's jingle.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday 13, 2010

I actually created a different cartoon for today, but I felt pressure to document the only Friday the Thirteenth in 2010. So, I chose to twist it such that the key comments showed that they were unlucky because they had to talk to the questioner, not really because of the day itself. If you are worried that today really is unlucky, then I think you are unlucky already.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Give Up TV

There are studies that indicate how much more productive and intellectually alert students are when TV is cut back or eliminated. I am sure that could also apply to those of us older than school age. Still, if you enjoy TV, it would be a tough addiction to break. I mean, imagine giving up Rachael Ray. If we did, how would we know what EVOO is?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


You might guess that I heard about a Port-a-Potty blocking some of the freeway this morning. Of course, on the radio, they couldn't explore the obvious jokes that arise from such an occurrence. That left me free to make my own comments through today's CoV.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Planning the Plan

In a presentation we heard yesterday, a question was asked about some details in a training plan, but they said it was still being negotiated. Of course, that means the plan is still in planning. That led to this comic strip.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tigger Yellow

No, I don't actually drink, but I needed a means to imply that Mr. Blue painted the wrong apartment. I also used that same idea for Mr. Green's final sarcastic comment. By the way, we did not actually use 'Tigger Yellow' to paint my daughter's room, although we did paint with that color once. Maybe it was her bathroom?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Steve Jobs for President

Steve Jobs is famous for his "reality distortion field" that surrounds his product announcements. Everyone falls under his sway and wants whatever he is pitching. Hmm, what would that mean if he were to run for public office? And what things might he design/redesign as part of his platform? I decided he might want to clean up the lines of our borders. And he might decide we don't need so many individual states.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Overhead Compartments

How many more fees can airlines stick us with before we pay them back by choosing another airline? So far, as many as they want. So, where did my mind take it?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dot Their T's

I am sure you have all heard people twist the phrase "dot your i's and cross your t's" so that it is "cross you eyes...". Someone used that phrase in yesterday's conference call. I did not think much of it, but then in a meeting later in the day, someone mentioned that they were wondering how I would handle that in CoV. Well, with a challenge like that, I had to see what I could do.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lettuce Accident

I heard about a semi overturning this morning, spilling it load of thousands of pounds of lettuce. At the time I came in, the key freeway coming in from the west side was totally blocked and they expected another six hours for cleanup. Of course, my mind immediately went into overdrive on ideas about lettuce, so here is my comment on that.


Words fascinate me, especially in English. Our language is built on so many other languages and cultures, so words do not always follow clean rules. Today, we will examine some plurals.