Friday, December 30, 2011

Going To An Agile Shop

I considered an end-of-year comic, but a) I could not think of a clever premise, and b) the one idea I thought of will work better as a New Year joke. So, then I considered using the new gamer CIO again, but decided to give him a rest. Then, I noticed an agile poster on my cubicle wall and went with the misunderstanding of what Agile really means in the computer world.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What Game Did He Say?

As a twist, I decided to have the new CIO say things that sound like the name of a game, but not actually refer to them. Then, someone else could be hearing a game even though it was not mentioned.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Your Move, Mr CIO

As you might have suspected, more game references by the new CIO. No, my company does not have a new CIO, but I needed a speaker that would hold meetings at this level to allow some of the references.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Game of Being a CIO

This concept could be played with any number of game titles. For this comic, I stuck with some standards that everyone can recognize. There are some other game titles that I may use in future CoVs.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spirit of the Season

I wanted to write a comic involving the different beliefs celebrated around the end of the year, but that did not really lead to a humorous ending. So, I made it so that the purpose of the discussion was about getting the gifts. I did keep a couple of different religions in there just so that Mr. Blue would have silly comments showing he did not know anything about those religions.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tough Sheriff

A local sheriff seems to constantly invite national scrutiny, whether it is having prisoners wear pink boxers, use pink handcuffs, or elevate our tough immigration policy. So, he is under some sort of federal investigation for spending and he can no longer perform immigration sweeps. So, I think his idea of a white Christmas may not be the traditional interpretation.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Put on Your Yarmulke

It is the first day of Hanukkah. And like today's comic strip said, everything I know about Hanukkah came from the Adam Sandler song. Well, maybe not everything, but I don't really know much about it. I know that the menorah is said to have burned eight days on a single day's worth of oil. I just heard them mention it on the news this morning and thought of the song and decided to base my strip on someone who knows nothing more about Hanukkah than the song.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Karaoke Practice

Well, I'm sure you can guess that yesterday was our office party, and we did have Karaoke. No one sang quite this bad (well, maybe me), but I think none of us will be trying our for American Idol or The X-Factor. Once I had the concept for this comic, I just needed to decide what twist I would add in panel 4. I then thought of glass shattering, which meant I needed to have one of the characters wearing glasses. Then, the E.R. ending seemed obvious.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Business Metaphors

I was reviewing my To Do list before starting the comic this morning and saw the words Global Roadmap. That was enough to send me spiraling out of control into the different meanings of the word. And that was enough to create today's CoV. By the way, the map is of Central Texas. The dashboard is from a Toyota.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Like so many songs, if you actually listen to the words, there can be a different message.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Alarming Light

I came in today with no fresh ideas, so I pulled this one from my Someday File. There is an alarm clock that gradually lights your room to wake you, so I wondered about what would happen if it were to get too bright.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Come Out Swinging

I obviously heard someone say they needed to come out swinging, but I don't know where or who.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Steppenwolf in Time

I know that you know that I would have at least one more comic with the TCP/IP machine in it. You may have known, although I did not until I wrote it, that it is possible that it works, as evidenced by the comment in panel 4. And nobody knows if there will be another CoV about it because I haven't even thought about next week yet.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A TCPIP Problem

I heard the phrase "I need it yesterday" in a workplace conversation yesterday. That led me to consider how we could deliver an assignment yesterday before we know it is needed. Why, you'd need a time machine. Then, I decided to have one that malfunctions and duplicates a person instead of simply transporting them through time. As I was writing this, I thought of using the phrase time portal instead of time machine...which led to seeking a way to name it TCP/IP.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Take a Few Minuets

Yes, I did say minuets instead of minutes. When you think of a word, don't you ever alter the way it sounds either out loud or in your mind. Of course you do, like pronouncing Target as Tar-jay. So, I read minute as minuet and took off. Then, I wanted the other voice in the office to suggest another way they could tweak their employees in the final panel.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Project Training

I decided to go with a Project Manager-themed concept today. Who knows? Maybe I am training you to salivate when you know a new CoV is coming? No, I don't know why I chose this direction.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I Need a Power Strip

I was at a church concert last night and saw an unused power strip in the corner. That was enough to trigger this comic strip.

Friday, December 2, 2011


I am sure this is one everybody has thought of, but if you only read the words of the advertisement, they don't always say what the half-off refers to.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Project Venn Diagram

No specific reason that I used this idea today. I do not know where I got the concept, but I did struggle a bit deciding how to end it. At first, I only had the first comment in the final panel, but that didn't seem to work as a closing statement, so I added the other two comments.