Monday, April 30, 2012

First Grade PM

You cannot be surprised that I continued the 'PM from another profession' concept. And living with a first grade teacher, you also cannot be surprised that this one would make an appearance. Could there be more? What do you think?

Friday, April 27, 2012


I cannot remember what made me think of having an ex-CSI person become a PM. Maybe I saw Criminal Minds coming on after Survivor on Wednesday. Anyway, once the concept was set, I had several options for crime-related comments that I could reuse as PM-related ideas. This also has led to ideas of other professions that can convert to PMs.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Influencer Training

Yesterday, I did take Influencer training. It is about identifying what it takes to influence people to do what you want or understand your needs. I does include those things mentioned in the second panel. As I was listening, though, I was struck by how someone from Vermont or New Hampshire might say the word. For the next few minutes, my notes were around writing today's CoV rather than notes from the training session itself.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

SSW Memorial Conference Room

Morbid? Perhaps a little. I thought of this on my commute today as I considered how people name odd things in memory of a loved one. So, what better way to have everyone really remember than have the loved one be part of the named space?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Avengers Blue States

Of course, after giving the Republicans their shot at customizing the Avengers movie poster, I had to allow the Democrats to respond.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Avengers Red States

For some reason, I wondered what would happen if the Republicans tried to use popular movies to attack the President. In fairness, I will show you the Democratic response tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thwack Crash

I had originally envisioned part of today's comic as the final panel in yesterday's, but I found additional inspiration as I completed Wah Wah. So, I added a second CoV to the same theme for today. That pushed my original idea for today out to Monday.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wah Wah

I wanted to have a comic about the new grandson, but so far, all he does is eat and poop, sleep and cry. So, I chose one of those activities and expanded it into an office environment.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not Your Daddy's Red Rover

This comic might lead to future ones with a similar theme. My idea note said "competitive meeting championship," so using other almost-game names in the workplace seemed a logical extension.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Obvious Top Performers

This one came together this morning. I was struggling to find a topic for the comic and decided to do a work-related one. Then, I figured if I were to analyze projects, how could I make myself move to the top? I toyed with having the manager talk about poor eyesight or something, but ended up staying with the 'how do I move myself up' theme.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday The You-Know-What

I actually was on the road this morning before I had any ideas for today's comic. When they mentioned that today was Friday the 13th, I knew I wanted to do something related to that. At first, I thought that panel 3 (black hat/cat) would be the ending. However, as I wrote it, I decided that the implication of Mr. Green being the bad luck from breaking a mirror was a better final joke.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Slime When You Say That

You know, I am not sure why this 'alleged' study came to mind, but I knew how I would use it once it did. I Googled the study and found numerous sites proclaiming this study never occurred. I did find that the first documented notes about it were posted in 1983. Anyway, as I said, I knew immediately that I would have Mr. Blue say Mr. Green was either 'smile' or 'slime,' with no evidence either way. Then, I just needed to figure out how to build up to this misinterpretation.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Babysitting Blues

OK, while I did take off yesterday to do some babysitting, it was not near as repugnant as today's comic implies. I watched my two granddaughters while my son and wife delivered my new grandson. We had a good time playing and grandson Jack was born safe and healthy.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Egg Fun

I just decided I wanted to do an Easter-themed comic today. Once I came up with it, the actual contents flowed easily. OK, I'll have Mr. Blue be the Easter Bunny. He will be throwing eggs. What would be clever about that? I know. What is they were not hard-boiled? The only thing missing (and since I am running late, I will not worry about it) is a final clever twist in panel four.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Walking Dad

I do have a coworker who just had twins maybe two or three weeks ago. So, this might have been inspired by him. I also have a grandson due to be born within the week. So, it might be for my son who will then become a 'Walking Dad.' However, the idea actually came from the name of yesterday's CoV (and the AMC TV show) 'The Walking Dead." As I said that to myself, it sounded kind of like "Walking Dad." From the name, the direction of today's comic was clear to me.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Walking Dead

We do watch this show. They left us with a nice twist at the end of this past season. For some reason, I woke up thinking about the AMC TV program and wondered if there were a way to mention it in a comic. Once I decided I wanted to do that, the ideas flowed. Who could I compare to zombies? How long could I carry the topic before I had someone think they were talking about the TV show instead of some thing else. Then, I wanted to add my usual little twist at the end.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Breakfast Tweets

I recently saw an article somewhere online about a dude that tweeted photos of his breakfast (can you tweet a photo or maybe it was about a dude that just tweeted about what he ate?). Anyway, the words caught my eye and became 'breakfast treats.' I did not change any of the panels from my original concept.

Monday, April 2, 2012

B For Breakfast

Do you ever think of words and examine the sounds they make? Obviously, I do, since many of these comics are about word misunderstandings. Today is about the ways "B For..." sounds. No, I don't know what made me think of it on Saturday night.