Thursday, December 30, 2010

Leftovers Again

You like leftovers? Really? You know, you have to make something before you have leftovers. Or go over to your parents house and come home with some of theirs. Anyway, I was thinking about how to get rid of leftovers and still get to eat out occasionally.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Government Massage

The trick to completing today's comic strip was to find the twist at the end that could make a TSA pat-down into a semi-massage. I chose to go with placing some type of metal in strategic spots to imply they would do a double pat-down there. I then decided to use exercise gear to visually lead the reader into the punch line.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

White Elephant

Why? What do you give when the invitation says "white elephant?" To quote Groucho Marx, "Of course, in Alabama, the Tuscaloosa."

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Synchronized Lights

I got to wondering...what if someone changed stoplight synchronization to Christmas carols (you know, like people link up their houses). Just imagine what madness that would be.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Company Vision

On the radio last night, I heard some politician talking about needing to get a clear vision of what Congress needs to do about the Bush tax cuts. As I sure you would do, I immediately heard the word vision as seeing with our eyes and not about having a well-defined goal. So, where would that take us in a CoV? For me, this is what happened.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I decided I wanted to try and do another work-themed CoV. So I started with looking for some way to apply the Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief. As you can see, I got a little distracted, but I think everyone has called some type of help line before, so you know they take foreeeeever.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Who You Know

This morning, I was trying to think of a different way to present a letter to Santa. At first, I was looking for what a member of I.T. would write, but then I decided that a better direction would be about someone trying to get a response from I.T.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Purple Princess Dress

This is not quite verbatim from a conversation I had on Sunday, but it is very close. The main thing I wanted to remember was my saying "Which princess" and her response of "It's not a witch princess." Those are the memories that memories are made of. Well, you know what I mean.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Poor Acronym

Apparently, we do offer some type of Service Offering Bundle. I did not hear them erfer to it by its acronym, but that seems inevitable.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Productivity Up

I had a different comic planned for today, but I changed my mind on the drive in. I went to the Dr. yesterday and got some medicine. That led me to think about how some medications make people sleepy. Then that led me to think about what people might notice (or miss) if I were to fall asleep at work.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Good Hour

English has some interesting phrases that we all know and use, but I never remember being taught. One of them is to describe something as taking "a good hour." We know they mean it was a tiresome process, but that is not what the words could imply.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yeah No

I was in a meeting yesterday and a guy answered a question starting with "Yeah, no ...." I know that is becoming an increasingly common phrase and felt it was time to address using this comic strip platform. Did I do it just? Yeah? No?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Preacher's Tie

My brother is a preacher and mentioned a new Christmas tie that he got that plays music. Sure, I have one, too. Still, if you imagine what could go wrong with that and when would be the worst time for a preacher....

Monday, December 6, 2010


This is not meant to imply that I am anti-TSA. I have a nephew that works for them. They just make such easy targets for silly jokes. So, today, I investigated what they might say about something as routine as glasses.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Of course, I think every company has its own TLA (Three Letter Acronyms) environment. Here is no different. Still, when I heard someone kiddingly calling the PMB (Project management Board) as PBJ, I knew this comic strip had to be shared.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


For some reason, all the Red vs. Blue rhetoric going on reminds me of a game show. So,what if that format was used in congressional debates?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Office Acoustics

Bathrooms, with their all tile walls and floors, echo sound immensely. And the other day, I heard a guy in a stall talking on the phone. I am assuming that the person on the other end probably did not know where he was. So, I felt that deserved the CoV treatment. And yes, I did think it was gross.