Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Increase Donations

There are people at every entrance to every business right now seeking Salvation Army donations. That made me wonder if there was some way we could better encourage people to donate. Did I donate? No cash. What? They take cards now? Maybe next time.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Favre and his Team Doctors

Interestingly enough, the inspiration for this comic had nothing to do with Favre. I heard a radio ad on the drive in with Danny White (a former Dallas Cowboys quarterback and more recently, a coach for the Arizona Rattlers) talking about living with back pain. He went to a pain center and now feels pain free. His quote is, "I live with constant back pain since I retired from the NFL." However, my mind thought he should have said, "So, I decided to un-retire."

From that, I decided I wanted a player more people remember. Once I settled on Favre, I decided to use my un-retire idea in panel 3 and go with a concussion-based Favre forgetting even who he would play for in his final two seasons.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Six Sigma Interview

Someone at work challenged me to write a comic strip about the Six Sigma belts. That was probably 3-6 months ago, but she recently asked why I had not done a comic yet. So, once I started thinking about it, I felt like I wanted some interview comments that could be answered in Six Sigma ways. Of course, though, the final panel needed some twist.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Butterball to the Rescue

Surely you expected a Thanksgiving-themed Comic today? I knew I wanted to use the concept of having to use packaged, sliced turkey. I did not know, until I started writing it, that canned food would make an appearance in the last panel. Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pause That Refreshes

I listened to some of the President's speech on the failure of the Supercommittee working on tax reform. He was brilliant in the way he used his pauses to dig into the Republicans that he blames for the failure. I had to do this today while the speech is still in the news.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sponsored by Metamucil

Surprisingly, I did not have panel four in mind when I started this cartoon. I first decided to have it be about finding sponsors for regular business functions, then decided to go with senior leaders and imply they are all seniors, which led to Metamucil. When I reached the final panel, I found that clever quip and finished today's CoV.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Class or Meeting

I think that, if you were only able to see the words spoken in a room, it might sometimes sound like a different activity was occurring. So, I decided to choose some words that you really might hear in a classroom or a meeting and compare them. Then, I had to find the twist in the final panel that would make the comparison seem the opposite of what you would expect.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Business PM

Most days, I do not have every panel designed in my head when I create the CoV. Today, though, I did. I decided to do a project management comic, thought of having it be someone acting as a project manager that is outside of the team and how they might view the tasks. Once I pondered panel four, I knew I wanted the business person to end with a naa-naa-naa voice (you can hear the tones for naa naa in your head, right? If you are a musician, the notes would be 3,3,1,4,3,1).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Supremes and Obamacare

After learning that the Supreme Court will hear arguments on Obamacare next year, this felt like a topic that needed my spin on it.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I do remember that I wrote this down on Saturday night. I don't know what made me think of it. I woke up this morning with a different cartoon in mind, but did not write it down. I should have.

Friday, November 11, 2011


After a gaffe like the one Rick Perry made in a recent debate, I felt like jumping on the bandwagon, too.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Office Without Boundaries

Maybe companies don't need cubicles at all since they have wireless that can work anywhere. Oh wait. What about trash and desks and things? No problem, if you strap everything to your body. Then, I decided to add a replacement for the Muzak that always plays in the background.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New QA Team

Why did I wake up this morning with Scooby Do's quote "Ruh Roh" in my mind. I couldn't say, but it wouldn't leave and I decided to just use it in today's Comic. I haven't decided if there is anywhere I want this to go, so it could be a one hit wonder.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where's He From?

A coworker heard me say fixin' to fix one day and challenged me to use that as the basis for a comic strip. Since most people may not automatically attribute that to Texans, I felt like I wanted some contrast, so I added a little Boston accent. Then, when I reached the final panel, I added the fact that Texans may say Coke when they mean any generic soda.

Monday, November 7, 2011


This one was a tough choice. I didn't really want to include profanity, but that's the whole point of the joke. Sorry, preacher.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Helmet Indoors

A number of our team is moving to a building where the cubicles are about the same height as the desktops. So, you see everyone's screens, their desks, you are forced to listen to their talking with teammates or conference calls. I wondered about what would happen if I told a joke and they did a spit take. You know, where the liquid they were imbibing were spewed from their mouth when I told a typically hilarious joke.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

TLP All the Way Home

I did not have the joke in the final panel in mind when I started this series. It came to me when I started panel three and knew I would cover the whole nursery rhyme today. Now that I wrote this comic, I see I could have skipped the last couple of days and only done this one and still get the joke across. Oh well.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

TLP Home

So now, you can see that the inspiration for this series is the nursery rhyme Three Little Pigs (as if you couldn't already tell). I think it was my boss that either mentioned Three Little Pigs or said something very similar that made me think of it. Once I did, and thought of the first one going to market, I knew I had to do this story line.

TLP Market