Friday, June 29, 2012

Don't Try to Goad Us

I could not let the Supreme Court rulings of the last couple of days pass without my own spin on it. I like the alliteration of the "-OTUS" ending on POTUS and SCOTUS. So, I took it to the next level, even in the title.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Don't Have a Cow

I caught the end of an old Simpsons episode last night where Bart said, "Don't have a cow, man." That made me consider what the person who actually had a cow would do.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Worth $30

This has no link to my family. In fact, I don't really know where the inspiration came from. Maybe it's because I had to do a little trimming on my own eyebrow today?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nine Nine Nine

Sure, it's hot this summer. Can you believe that this did not bother us as much when we were younger? We'd play with friends; walk to the store; swim anytime during the day? Anyway, I accidentally typed an extra number on a project number I was entering yesterday and I wondered what would happen if the weather person on TV did that.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Vertiginous Weekend

I did have a small bout with vertigo this weekend, but as I thought about it, the Hitchcock film of the same name kept coming to mind. So, as often happens between Mr. Blue and Mr. Green, I knew the misunderstanding between the film and the actual ailment would be the key comic element. And as we all do when trying to follow Blue's logic, that is enough to make anyone dizzy.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Too Many Team Members

 I saw an article the other day asking if a project can have too many team members. I didn't read the article, but the title was enough to send my mind into CoV mode. When I started creating the comic this morning, I did not know exactly how I would end it, but as I added some characters to the second panel and a few more to the third, I knew the fourth and final panel would be overflowing with people. I debated using the "so big they have their own ZIP code joke, but I just did not have room for the words.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

AZ #1 in Teen Drinking

I heard this tidbit on the news last night and decided to add my own spin. Not being a drinker, I cannot understand the lure of alcohol. However, I can understand the tendency to base values and habits on what a child sees at home. So, I went the direction that, while maybe peer pressure makes it worse, the real problem may be parental example. Then, the biggest challenge of the strip was a clever ending after making Mr. Blue look bad about drinking with a pre-teen.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Red Shirt

For some reason, I thought of the old red-shirted characters in ST:TOS (Star Trek: the Original Series) last night. So, I decided to carry on the tradition of "killing off" the red shirts by having a layoff at work wherein they choose someone with a red shirt. I had some other thought included in the comic, but decided they deserved their own CoV, so we will see more layoffs coming ion the future.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Doggie Do Development

I decided I wanted to do a work-themed strip and decided to do some app development. Well, with my twist, of course. I considered how to end the CoV and toyed with the idea of the dog pottying somewhere, but decided to just stay with the Cat QA comments. Maybe I will revisit the dog developer at some point in the future and maybe bring in the cat.

Monday, June 18, 2012

What's a Marker?

Another of a theme based on the types of remarks I expect from my grandkids in the future. Their view of daily life is already so far ahead of anything we could have imagined just 20 years ago.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fund Raising Fun

I wanted to do something related to the fund raising that both parties are holding right now. Those types of events are supported by people who will make money no matter who is president, not by "little" people like us. So, I decided to tie in Clinton's famous Lewinsky testimony to raise the silliness bar.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's My Son's What?

In honor of my son's birthday, I wanted to mention it in a CoV, but I wanted to do so in my own style. So, I looked up what else happened on this day in history and had the b-day mentioned as an aside.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Video Weekly

Wow, I struggled today. I started with an idea of the company wanting us to use Japanese team building techniques, but nothing funny occurred to me. OK, what if I make it about hot dog eating and the other team thinking that is stupid but they were going out for sushi. Still nothing.

Finally, I fell back on one of my notes for future CoVs which said, "Rod Serling. The Highlight Zone." That was enough to bring forth an idea I could build on.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Truth About Toilets

One of the things I rarely pre-plan is the title of each day's comic. After I wrote the CoV, I considered an appropriate title. I want it to be clever, but not give away all the unexpected twists I try to include. Still, I really thought about calling today's comic "Flush Monkey Monthly," but I wanted to save that line for panel three. I thought about a toilet-related comic for today because I need to replace the flush mechanism for the toilet in our guest bath. Once I decided to go toilet for the theme, I decided I wanted to have the air-assist be the issue. Then I considered, "Do I talk about having it backwards and the character get wet, or loud and have the person go deaf?" You can see which I chose (although the other may still be an option for a future CoV).

Monday, June 11, 2012

Missing That Leisure Suit Look

I did repaint our bedroom. My wife did wonder who gave me decorating advice. I do not have a leisure suit.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Missing Finger

Somehow, the other day, I heard someone on TV say "Give me five," and I wondered if that phrase should be adjusted if someone had lost a finger. That logically progressed into wondering what other phrases included a five that could/should be adjusted downward if someone has fewer than five fingers.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I was thinking about the fact that we don't enough of some skillsets for all the proposed projects. I wondered if a few "super" employees could replace a small project team? That might introduce a different set of issues, though.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Called a Book

We can all suspect that there will come a day when everything will be digital instead of printed. Maybe not in our lifetime, but someday. This looks ahead to what our grandkids might say. I thought of it as I read a book recently on my tablet. In fact, since you can change the font size, my progress is displayed as a percentage read instead of pages since pages would be dynamic based on which font you use.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

BDay at the Dis

Yup, it is my better half's birthday. Yup, she is on her way to Disneyland with the kids. No, we don't go there all the time, but we try to catch it 2-3 times per year in different seasons. That's a pretty good present, wouldn't you say?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sincerest Form of Flattery

My daughter-in-law gave my wife a birthday card this weekend based on my CoV strip. It was funny and included a number of my wife's famous funny comments. I would have shared that actual strip, but it is only funny within the family where we remember when some of the events occurred. So, instead, I decided to honor her with a strip about creating the CoV-based card.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Naming Bathrooms

This morning, for some unknown reason, I started wondering about a clever way to use 'Bay of Pigs' in a Clarity of Vision comic. I really had no initial concept of what direction it would lead. Then, thinking of the word 'pig,' I thought of how some guys leave scraps of paper towels on the bathroom floor and don't even pick them up. Boom. The two ideas joined and I knew where today's CoV would lead.