Thursday, May 31, 2012

H Withdrawal

This one is a bit edgy in that it covers the serious problem of heroin addiction by confusing what someone means by saying 'H'. Well, the statistics quoted are real, but so is the quote from Horatio Caine in the final panel. I am sure we have not seen the last of David Caruso.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More is Better

Do you ever feel that management just doesn't understand the day-to-day problems of your job? Do you think they actually believe that nine pregnant women can have a baby in one month? Still, at least Mr. Blue's management is trying to help.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

PM Medicine

I was pondering topics for a PM-themed Clarity of Vision last night when my wife asked for some Tylenol PM. I immediately linked the PM in Tylenol PM to the abbreviation for Project Manager and knew what key responses I wanted to include.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Desert Cold Front

Yes, a cold front did come through and dropped our temperature for today by 20 degrees from yesterday. No, they don't measure temperature by frying an egg on the pavement (although, periodically, news programs do that). No, we don't actually start wearing jackets when temps are in the 80's. I do, though, sometimes see people wearing a jacket in the 70's. You think that's funny. Let's see how you adapt to 2-3 months of temps in the 110's.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Salt-Water Pool

Yes, I did convert to a salt-water pool. No, I am not crusted over with too much salt. My original concept for this comic was going with too much chlorine, but the white on Mr. Blue reminded me more of salt.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Password Time

Actually, it is not time for me to change my password. I've still got about six weeks. And no, none of the methods described herein match what I do. I don't even know what the Jewish year is. Today's CoV went in a different direction than I had envisioned. I thought I was going to use a whole bunch of people recommending their preference for password complexity, but it ended up that the usual two suspects presented the concept sufficiently.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Annular Eclipse

I did watch the eclipse yesterday through a pinhole camera, but I wrote down this idea last Friday thinking about seeing the moon in front of the sun. I did not decide on the jokes in the final panel until I wrote them this morning.

Friday, May 18, 2012

That IS Ugly

They were talking about an ugly black eye on the radio yesterday. Well, you can imagine what I heard. I debated adding a final comment by one of the threesome saying, "or an ugly black guy" as the final comment in the comic, but decided it would not add to the humor. Now you've heard it, though, so you can consider if it would have added anything.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Acronyms are a part of corporate life. Actually, they are part of everyday life (radar, for example). And texting is making it even worse, Today, though, the CoV is about an acronym that sounds like the Anheuser-Busch Budweiser commercial from a decade ago. Hilarity ensues.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Does BeeGee Stand For BlueGreen?

This CoV sprang from the things my wife is finding as she cleans our closets. No, I do not have a white suit a la Saturday Night Fever. However, there are certainly some old clothes we would never wear again. Old family photos, books, and clutter are the most common items found. For this comic, I had to decide how much specific reference should be made to the BeeGees, disco, 70s songs, etc. And I wanted to have him lifting and lowering his arm like Travolta's dance, but I could not figure how to do that in Microsoft Visio on the PC.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Presidential Proclamations

I wanted to find some way to comment on President Obama's approval of gay marriage, but I could not find a way for that to be the funny part, So, I decided to go with a president that was funny as my final panel. Once I had two presidents in the comic, I knew how to build all four panels. Then, I just had to find a suitable silly quote from Bush.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Second Base

I heard about this story on the radio yesterday and knew it had to be told. It involves Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow Catholic High School, and I debated using the name as part of the comic, but did not want to actually say the name in case of legal issues. It seems that the girl sat out twice during the regular season when the two teams played, but did not want to miss the championship game. So, the Catholics will forfeit. The trickiest part for me was finding a final twist after using the second base line in panel three. Finally, I found a clever reference to The Good Book and knew it was a worthy ending. It even gives the Catholic school an impression of justification for their actions.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I saw a cartoon yesterday about chickens in cubicles and, somehow, that became the chicken feed for today's cubicle-based comic. And, in our team meeting yesterday, we did talk about values and I did choose family as very important. So, I just glued those together.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tell Me Once Again, Who's Fat

This comic idea came from my dentist, who was talking about being able to choose what to eat and deciding for himself if he needed to lost weight. I commented that sounded like an idea for a CoV and he challenged me to come up with a whole concept. When I thought of songs in panel four, I toyed with more Billy Joel (such as Moving Out where he sings "heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack."), but decided to tie in Weird Al's Fat parody instead.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Stay Healthy

i cannot say what made me think of politically incorrect acronyms for today's comic, but this would certainly be one of them. We do have a Stay Healthy campaign here at work, so maybe that was tucked away in my head. Also, I had some computer troubles before I could create this, so I was really tight on time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinco de What?

I had not planned on doing a Cinco de Mayo-themed CoV, but I only have this chance once a year. So, what better way to cover it than to mix up what mayo means? If today were 5/5, I would have had the characters come to work already drunk and argue about mayo vs Mayo.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Express Flooring

I am sure that every major TV market has a plethora of local or regional ads that drive you crazy. Bad singing or bad acting or silly, contrived concepts. Well, we have one for Express Flooring featuring a local music teacher (we thought until last week that she must be a relative of the company owners, but that is not the case). Anyway, something brought that commercial to mind this morning and I thought the same thing as in today's CoV. "I would rather watch anything else than this ad." So, I allowed myself to wonder what would be worse, and political ads came to mind immediately. The comic wrote itself.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Communicator App

Yes, there is such an app, although I cannot remember if it is for iPhone or Android. Anyway, being somewhat of a geek, I thought it was pretty cool and decided to use it for today's CoV. For some reason, I remembered it last night, and that's when I decided to do this. OK, I've got to go. One to beam up, Scotty.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Organ Donor

I had originally planned to continue the PM's from another profession in today's comic, but I heard an ad on the way in about organ donors. So, since I thought of organ as a musical instrument, I decided to use that concept today. The tricky part was how to end it with a twist as I usually do.